Vanilla Extract Nutrition Facts

Vanilla Extract, Imitation, No Alcohol Nutrition Facts

Imitation vanilla extract is a popular alternative to pure vanilla extract, offering a similar flavor profile without the use of alcohol. While primarily used in baking and cooking, imitation vanilla extract also offers several health benefits due to its nutrient content. Understanding the nutrient facts of alcohol-free imitation vanilla extract can help you make informed choices about its use in your recipes.

Nutritional Facts

Based on a 100-milliliter portion, the values below provide an overview of the nutritional composition of alcohol-free imitation vanilla extract. Ideal for those avoiding alcohol, it adds flavor and aroma to your dishes.

Total lipid (fat)0g
Carbohydrate, by difference14.4g
Fiber, total dietary0g
Sugars, total including NLEA14.4g
Calcium, Ca3mg
Iron, Fe0.05mg
Magnesium, Mg1mg
Phosphorus, P0mg
Potassium, K0mg
Sodium, Na3mg
Zinc, Zn0.01mg
Copper, Cu0.003mg
Manganese, Mn0.001mg
Selenium, Se0µg
Vitamins and Other Components
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid0mg
Pantothenic acid0.011mg
Vitamin B-60.008mg
Folate, total0µg
Folic acid0µg
Folate, food0µg
Folate, DFE0µg
Choline, total0mg
Vitamin B-120µg
Vitamin B-12, added0µg
Vitamin A, RAE0µg
Carotene, beta0µg
Carotene, alpha0µg
Cryptoxanthin, beta0µg
Vitamin A, IU0IU
Lutein + zeaxanthin0µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)0mg
Vitamin E, added0mg
Vitamin D (D2 + D3), International Units0IU
Vitamin D (D2 + D3)0µg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)0µg
Fatty acids, total saturated0g
SFA 4:00g
SFA 6:00g
SFA 8:00g
SFA 10:00g
SFA 12:00g
SFA 14:00g
SFA 16:00g
SFA 18:00g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0g
MUFA 16:10g
MUFA 18:10g
MUFA 20:10g
MUFA 22:10g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0g
PUFA 18:20g
PUFA 18:30g
PUFA 18:40g
PUFA 20:40g
PUFA 2:5 n-3 (EPA)0g
PUFA 22:5 n-3 (DPA)0g
PUFA 22:6 n-3 (DHA)0g
Fatty acids, total trans0g
Amino acids
Alcohol, ethyl0g
Imitation Vanilla Extract Nutrition

Nutritional Charts for Vanilla extract, imitation, no alcohol

Nutrient Composition Pie Chart

Vanilla extract, imitation, no alcohol is a food product that contains a combination of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). The proportion of these nutrients in the food can be visualized through this chart.

Macronutrient Distribution Bar Chart

The macronutrients in vanilla extract, imitation, no alcohol, which include protein, fat, and carbohydrate, are distributed in varying amounts. This bar chart provides a visual representation of the distribution of these macronutrients in the food.

Mineral and Vitamin Bar Chart

Essential minerals and vitamins are present in vanilla extract, imitation, no alcohol. This bar chart visually represents the distribution of these minerals and vitamins in the food.


In conclusion, while imitation vanilla extract, especially the no alcohol version, is not a significant source of nutrients, it can be consumed in moderation without concern for its minimal nutritional content. Understanding these facts allows consumers to enjoy the flavor benefits of vanilla extract while making informed dietary choices. For more detailed nutrient information, please refer to the Source.

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