Saffron Nutritional Facts

Saffron Nutrition Facts

Delve into the nutrition facts of saffron in this blog post. Saffron is a prized spice known for its vibrant color, distinct flavor, and culinary uses. Beyond its culinary allure, saffron offers several health benefits and is a source of various nutrients.

Full Nutrient Table

The below nutrition table is based on a 100-gram portion of saffron. This spice is low in calories but rich in essential nutrients like manganese, vitamin C, and iron. Saffron also contains antioxidants and has potential anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating saffron into your dishes not only enhances their flavor and appearance but also adds nutritional value.

Total lipid (fat)5.85g
Carbohydrate, by difference65.4g
Fiber, total dietary3.9g
Calcium, Ca111mg
Iron, Fe11.1mg
Magnesium, Mg264mg
Phosphorus, P252mg
Potassium, K1720mg
Sodium, Na148mg
Zinc, Zn1.09mg
Copper, Cu0.328mg
Manganese, Mn28.4mg
Selenium, Se5.6µg
Vitamins and Other Components
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid80.8mg
Vitamin B-61.01mg
Folate, total93µg
Folic acid0µg
Folate, food93µg
Folate, DFE93µg
Vitamin B-120µg
Vitamin A, RAE27µg
Vitamin A, IU530IU
Vitamin D (D2 + D3), International Units0IU
Vitamin D (D2 + D3)0µg
Fatty acids, total saturated1.59g
SFA 4:00g
SFA 6:00g
SFA 8:00g
SFA 10:00g
SFA 12:00g
SFA 14:00.006g
SFA 16:01.16g
SFA 18:00.247g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.429g
MUFA 16:10.003g
MUFA 18:10.39g
MUFA 20:10.006g
MUFA 22:10g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated2.07g
PUFA 18:20.754g
PUFA 18:31.24g
PUFA 18:40g
PUFA 20:40.013g
PUFA 2:5 n-3 (EPA)0g
PUFA 22:5 n-3 (DPA)0.006g
PUFA 22:6 n-3 (DHA)0g
Fatty acids, total trans0g
Amino acids
Alcohol, ethyl0g

Nutritional Charts for saffron

Nutrient Composition Pie Chart

Saffron is a spice known for its vibrant color and unique flavor. But did you know that it also provides a range of essential nutrients? This chart shows the proportion of different macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in saffron. With 11.9g of water, 310kcal of energy, and 65.4g of carbohydrates, saffron is a hydrating and energy-rich ingredient. It also contains 11.4g of protein, 5.85g of fat, and 5.45g of ash, which contribute to its nutritional value. Additionally, saffron provides important minerals like calcium (111mg), iron (11.1mg), and magnesium (264mg), as well as vitamins such as vitamin C (80.8mg) and vitamin A (27µg). Including saffron in your diet can help you meet your nutritional needs while adding a burst of flavor to your dishes.


Saffron is a multifaceted spice that not only enhances the taste and appearance of food but also offers an array of nutritional benefits. Its impressive antioxidant profile and potential health-enhancing properties make it a valuable addition to a healthy diet. To learn more about the nutrient content of saffron, consider visiting this Source.

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