Ultra-processed foods linked to cancer and early death
Increased risk of mortality is not due directly (or exclusively) to the poor nutritional quality of some products, but rather to the fact that these foods are mostly ultraprocesd
Increased risk of mortality is not due directly (or exclusively) to the poor nutritional quality of some products, but rather to the fact that these foods are mostly ultraprocesd
Patients may be prescribed antibiotics and pain medication and told to apply cold compresses to their faces after wisdom tooth removal. Some people on TikTok have popularized drinking pineapple juice Does pineapple juice help with wisdom teeth Drinking pineapple juice may provide some relief for wisdom teeth pain and swelling due to its natural anti-inflammatory…
Amberjack fish are super popular among people who love fishing and eating seafood. They’re part of the Carangidae family and like hanging out in warm waters all around the world. These fish have cool amber-colored stripes, and they’re huge. People love catching them because they’re a challenge, and they taste delicious, too. That’s why both…
The Manglier, scientifically known as Baccharis Halimifolia, and also as Groundsel Bush, is a shrub found in coastal areas. This plant is known for its health benefits when used in tea. It contains compounds like Tannins and Flavonoids, which may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding digestion and boosting the immune system. The research…
Mother nature has gifted humankind with different medicinal and culinary plants so humans can live healthy and disease-free lives. Indian Gooseberry is among such plants. Keep reading to find out the health benefits of Indian Gooseberry. Common Names for Indian Gooseberry Mainly known by two scientific names — Emblica Officinalis and Phyllanthus Emblica. The following…
Your body needs to digest food to turn it into energy. The food you eat is fuel to run your organs and keep you alive. Digestion is a complex process, and your body performs it in several ways.The digestion process has many different steps, including the ingestion of food, the breakdown of food into smaller…